Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Hello, love <3

     No, this is not a review of Adele's new song (lol), but if you haven't heard it you definitely should!! Quite the comeback if I do say so myself.

     Anyway, I've been lacking inspiration lately. Every time I go to write a blog post, my hands don't budge and there's nothing to type. Writer's block? I don't think so. I think part of me really, really wants to get back into writing as frequently as I used to. But I think another part of me is just putting it off.

     So, I'm here. I'm here, in the now, writing this post with a smile on my face because I seem to forget that every time I write I feel all bubbly and happy inside.

     I have decided to join in on my school's newspaper because one, I wanted to join clubs and expand on extra curricular activities and two, I want to showcase my writing skills in a new way. I'm quite nervous as I don't want to compare myself to others and I don't want to let anyone down. I've gone to quite a few different clubs that I ended up not joining, but I feel as though this one is different and I will really enjoy it.

     In other news, the love of my life, Troye Sivan, announced his album titled "Blue Neighbourhood" set to be released December 4! I've already pre-ordered, but if you haven't you definitely should, or go to his YouTube channel and listen to his incredible, raw, & unique music or watch his hilarious videos.

     Fifth paragraph in and I've already promoted two artists... No shame.

     Completely different topic, I've been doing an exercise recently where very night I write down what I am thankful for, both the good and the bad. I write thank you notes to myself, you could say, and explain what each thing has taught me. It has actually helped me realize how much we learn in a day - not counting school (lol). Everything that happens to us happens for a reason, and when you take a second to reflect on that it's quite an interesting conversation to have with yourself.

     Let's see, what else... I might've mentioned this before, but English this year has not been my favorite class. English (because it involves writing) is up there on my list of favorite subjects. But lately, I haven't been feeling it. If only we used that hour and 20 minutes as a free-writing period. Oh, how wonderful that would be. Have you ever had a class where you just weren't feeling it? But, I'm going to push through it, because at the end of the day I do enjoy the times in class where we do write and the rest of it is informative information. So, if you're ever in a situation where you just want to get up and walk out of the classroom, take a couple deep breaths and focus on the information that's being presented to you. If you think that it's the worst and most boring thing in the world, then it will be the worst and most boring thing in the world. If you walk in and out of that room with a positive attitude in mindset, you'll make it through much easier.

     This past month I've been going to conditioning workouts after school as I am trying out for my school's swim team next week! Workouts are an hour and a half after school each day; this week is the last week. This month I've pushed my body more than ever before. I'm proud of how far I've come and have surprised myself with the amount of work I can do. I also went to a Swim Development "class" today with the swim coach and got some great advice to help get me ready for tryouts. Hopefully, I'll make the team. Everyone at conditioning is so kind and supportive. Even though I am usually one of the last to finish whatever we are doing, their cheers and support motivate me to keep going. I really hope to make the team not only because I love to swim, but also because I want to be a part of something. I have a feeling that swimming is that something, and this "family" that I've come to know over the past month or so has made me feel very happy!

     I feel like I've just been blabbing on and on as if I'm talking to someone. Which, technically, I am. You know what I mean.

     If you have any ways of getting inspiration to write or ways of getting motivated in general, please leave a comment. It would definitely help me and I'm sure it would help others. I'll go first: Sometimes if I'm stuck, I will write the title of my post and just stem from there. Throw out a random word and base your work off of that. See where it gets you! I bet you'll write about something you never have before :)

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you very soon.

*computer hug*

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