Saturday, March 28, 2015

Happy Birthday, Zoë!

Dear Zoë,

     Happy birthday, love! I hope your day has been fabulous and will continue to be. From pictures it looks like everyone's having so much fun! Your cake is gorgeous and looks absolutely delicious.

     I wanted to write this letter to you because I want to wish you the best birthday ever. A lot of people write "I hope you have a great day because you deserve it" and some people think that's cliche or kind of offensive because they think you're saying this is the only best day you deserve...if you know what I mean. But personally, I truly think you do deserve this fabulous day and hope every day after is filled with the same joy and love because of the astonishing and amazing things you have done and continue to do.

     You are like a star, you shine so bright and that shine sticks itself to other people. When I see you smile, it's hard to not smile, too. When I hear you laugh, it's hard not to as well (and that goes for all of us <3 us as in your viewers) Of course, I don't see you every minute of your day, but through the minutes I do get to see you, I can't help but just smile and be happy and think about the good things in life rather than the bad.

     When I first started watching your videos, I was instantly "hooked" by your beautiful personality and glowing smile. Every video of yours that I watch - main channel or vlog - is definitely one of the highlights of my day. If I'm in a slump, watching your videos always does the trick. If I feel like I have no where to turn, I turn to you. And I know that must sound creepy because I don't know you personally, but you mean the absolute world to me, and I hope you believe so.

     A bit over a month ago, I met you at Playlist Live Orlando. Those minutes my friends and I shared with you were indescribable, unforgettable, and I will cherish them forever. I wrote you a letter then as well, maybe you've read it, but I found that when I wrote that the words wouldn't stop coming. They kept flowing onto the paper, easily. Is it weird that I feel like it'd be so easy to talk to you? Writing that definitely showed me how much of an impact you've had on my life, as it was super easy to write.

     At your meet-up you also signed my copy of Girl Online (thank you!). And this leads to how much of an inspiration you are to me. That book is incredible. It sucks you in and doesn't let you out until you've finished. It was a beautiful storyline and I felt like I knew all the characters because they were written so well. I kind of came up with pictures of them in my mind (lol). Anyway, how cool is it that you wrote a book? When I saw it in a bookstore for the first time, my heart skipped a beat because I was thinking, "is this real? Zoë's book is sitting there, on a  shelf, right in front of me! AHHH!" I have a passion for writing and reading your book is what prompted me to start my blog, and it has grown so much. I am so glad I started it, it has been the best experience, so thank you.

     I hope one day we'll see each other again and be able to sit and have a nice chat, for more than a couple minutes <3 You are beautiful, inside and out, an inspiration, a leader, and wonderful over all. Keep doing what you're doing, I love you!

     Happy Birthday :)



Tuesday, March 24, 2015

DIY Easter Egg Nest Cookies!

Hello loves <3

     It's been quite awhile since my last treat/food post! And this past weekend I went to Chummy's and we ended up making these absolutely adorable easter/spring-themed treats! So in today's post, in light of the spring beginning and Easter being right around the corner, here is a post on how to make DIY egg nest cookies!


  • Sugar cookies (we bought them, but feel free to bake your own!)
  • Shredded wheat
  • Icing (we used Vanilla)
  • Food coloring (if you're buying colored icing, you don't need this)
  • Chocolate Chips
  • Mini chocolate eggs (we used Cadbury's Mini Eggs)

Step 1: Poor your chocolate chips into a bowl and melt them using either the microwave or placing the bowl on a pot filled with water about an inch high (acts as a double-boiler). If using the stove method, like we did, place your pot on the stove and turn it on medium heat, adjusting the temperature as you go. 

You'll notice that the chocolate starts to melt when the water begins to boil/bubble. Stir the chocolate/scrape the side of the bowl so the chocolate does't burn and take the pot off the heat as soon as everything's done melting.

Step 2: While the chocolate is melting, as it does take more time the bigger amount of chocolate you use, begin cutting up your shredded wheat.

You can use anything else you'd like for the nest, like Mini Wheats cereal or I've even seen it done with certain types of dried noodles, but we found that cut up shredded wheat resembles branches that make up a nest very well!

We used about one and a half shredded wheat...rectangles we'll call them, to make 8 cookies. And the box we bought had four packs of I think it was 4 or 6 "rectangles," so we had more than enough. 


Step 3: The chocolate should be close to done melting when you're done cutting up the wheat (don't forget to continuously check on it and stir/scrape when needed!). Poor the wheat into a bowl and poor in the chocolate on top. Use a spoon to completely coat all of the wheat pieces with the chocolate. Try to resist the urge to eat it! And make sure to pour the chocolate in as soon as possible, because chocolate sets fast!

it may look unappealing in this picture, but
trust me it's delicious :)x

Step 4: Time for frosting! We used store bought frosting, but just like the cookies feel free to make your own, and spoon it into four separate bowls.

Then squeeze one drop of one of your food coloring dyes into each bowl. One drop will get you these gorgeous pastels, which really remind me of spring! But if you'd like more vibrant colors, don't hesitate to squeeze more.

Stir in the dyes until you get an opacity you're happy with.

Step 5: Take one of your cookies and using whatever utensil you have handy, spread the frosting in order to coat it.

Step 6: Spoon some of your nest (chocolate/shredded wheat) mixture, about a tablespoon (maybe more, maybe less, your preference) onto the center of your cookie.

Use your fingers, or a spoon, to spread around and shape the nest, patting it down flat towards the middle where the eggs will go. 

Step 7: Probably one of my favorite steps, place your eggs in your nest! Arrange them in what ever order and quantity you like!

     Ta-da!! There you have your super sweet DIY Easter egg&nest cookies! These are absolutely delicious. They look absolutely adorable displayed in your kitchen and would be a gorgeous gift for family and friends!

     If any of you decide to make these amazing treats, please let me know! Whether that's by Twitter, Instagram (both @HarelZiv_), emailing me pictures (, or leaving a comment (possibly with a link to your blog if you posted pictures) please do!

     Chummy also posted about this yummy treat! Check out her blog here.

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*

Friday, March 20, 2015

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Hello loves <3

     So in my last post I talked about how when I have an idea I want to write about in mind, it makes me even more excited to write than if I was just staring at the paper waiting for an idea to pop into my head. Well tonight I had a sudden thought about comfort zones and being able to grow and step out of that safe, little box we each have and knew I had to share it with you!

    Comfort zones are like security blankets, we hold on to them and don't let go. It's hard to just pull away from something you've held onto for so long, especially something as big as a comfort zone that has an impact on a wide range of things: your choices relating to friends, clothing, sports, education, etc.

comfort zones can make you feel supported at times,
but can make you feel restricted at others

     Slowly but surely, I think, we need to work towards stepping out of our "little box". Whether that's toe by toe, or a whole foot out at a time, try and do something a "version" of you in the past wouldn't have done. If you're scared of wearing something to school because you're afraid that people will judge or think that certain style is weird, you owe it to yourself to prove that theory wrong! Take a stand and wear whatever you want and make that outfit yours! Yeah, maybe it's totally different compared to what everyone else is wearing, but you don't want to be exactly like everyone else, right? 

     Ok, what about something a bit different than clothes. Say you're signing up for classes for your next year of school (I've just submitted my class requests). Try something new! Don't stick with the same classes you took in previous years, or else you'll never know what's out there. Don't stick with what everyone else is taking. I'm not saying don't try and coordinate classes with your friend(s) if you both/all really want to learn about that subject. But if you're just taking a class to be with your friends, ask yourself why. Do something different! I've decided to apply for theater next year. My only experience with acting was my 5th grade play of The Jungle Book Kids (lol), but I want to try something new...and who knows what might come of it? I may fall in love with it! But you'll never know if you never try!

     I encourage you to transition out of your comfort zone. Whether that's by changing up what you're studying, engage in different hobbies, whatever, take a risk and see where it takes you!

step outside your comfort zone, and leave all the
panic and worry FAR, FAR AWAY

     "Be an original in a world full of copies," and do something fresh and different.

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*

Monday, March 16, 2015

Writer's Block?

Hello loves <3

    Writing is very therapeutic for me. It calms me down and opens my mind up to new things. But sometimes there is nothing to write about, or so it seems. When I come to write a post on here I want to write with all my heart about whatever I want. But sometimes that thing I want to write about isn't there. So I thought I'd write about what that feels like...which I guess is technically the thing I'm looking for.

     I don't think this is writer's block, more just an idea block. Because I'm still writing freely, just not about a super exciting idea that I've been waiting all day to post. So when I have this block I'm asking around and researching for ideas and sometimes I use a blog post idea generator which is super cool, but I like being extra passionate about an idea. So when I have a specific subject I want to talk about and I've been thinking about it for some time, it's even more fun to write about.

     Then again, I guess it is kind of fun to write with no theories as to what your thoughts will become. My advice when you have a block? Sit down in front of your pencil and paper, computer, typewriter, whatever and just stare that page or machine in the eye and just write about what you're feeling. What's going on in your head at that exact moment in time.

     Right now I feel accomplished, successful, and happy. I went on a jog around my neighborhood and was jamming out as I went along which was probably hilarious for passers by. I've done most of my homework and haven't left it all for the last minute (which you should never do!), and I don't have anything to be worried or upset about! So, that's what I'm feeling. What about you?

     Next time you have what you think is writer's block, just sit down, breathe, stare your paper in the eye (who remembers that Spongebob episode where Spongebob was writing an essay and just sat staring at it for hours, LOL) and write about whatever enters your mind, who knows what will become of it!

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Hello loves <3

     It's been a bit of time since I've done a "serious" post, and I felt very passionate about writing about appreciation. I just had a "lightbulb goes off" moment and felt the need to write (that's why I love blogging...just writing when you feel the burning desire to, and people can actually read what you have to say).

     We're all blessed with what we have. Some more than others, some less. We each have been put on this Earth for a reason, and lots of us haven't found that reason yet. But that's no excuse to think that everything else about the world is pointless, or unimportant. And sometimes, I forget that. Be thankful for what you have, because you are privileged.

    I think a lot of people, me included, take things for granted without actually knowing...until they're gone or taken away from us. Little things are less obvious than big of course, but those little things are what piece our world together, and overlooking them isn't a step in the right direction. 

     Okay, this post is all over the place. What I'm trying to say is, there are people in our life that do so much for us and sometimes we just get so used to that routine that we just forget to thank the people that make it possible. Whether that's your parents, friends, teachers, yourself even. Saying thank you is so important. After every meal, every shopping spree, etc. That wouldn't be possible without that someone. So make sure they know you appreciate them.

     I hope I got my point across...? :)

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Harry Potter ⚯͛

Hello Witches, Wizards, Squibs, Aurors, Half-bloods, Pure-bloods, Muggles <3

     This post includes spoilers, but you've probably all read or seen HP ;) I hope!

     If any one you have read my About Me page or blogger profile, you probably got the hint that I'm a Potterhead. And so, I thought it fitting to write all about my obsession with the magical works of J.K. Rowling.

     Chummy and I had a Harry Potter movie marathon a couple summers ago, where she first introduced me to HP. I'd read book one a couple years prior when I was much younger, but never continued as I was scared (LOL). We made a pillow castle so we could sit higher up on her bed because from the floor the TV screen looked pure black and we couldn't see anything.

     It was so much fun to watch the movies as I had no clue what was going to happen. Chummy actually convinced me that Harry ends up marrying Cho Chang, who I strongly dislike. So gullible, haha.

     After our marathon I began reading the books (I reread Sorcerer/Philosopher's Stone again). And I know, I know, I watched the movies before I read the books, but I am a hardcore Potterhead nonetheless. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2) is my favorite book of the series. I love how the story was put together and the whole concept of looking in the Basilisk's eyes in some way or another would petrify you. The plot was structured so beautifully and each part of the book fit the others like a puzzle.

     My favorite of the movie has to be either Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (6) or Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (7&8). I wish I could have a textbook no one else knew about that gave me secret tips and the right steps to completing assignments. And then find out that it belongs to my most-hated teacher (at that time). I cool?! Deathly Hallows is obviously amazing. The way everyone came together to protect Hogwarts, its students, and the entire magical community. Not to mention, ROMIONE ;) Although, I'm definitely a Dramione shipper. Plus, the 19 years later scene is everything a Harry Potter fanatic could've hoped for.

     I'm pretty sure there's an HP tag somewhere roaming out there, so I'll probably do that sometime in the future!

     Please share your favorite book and movie out of the Harry Potter series, your HP otp, and your House in the comments (I'm a Ravenclaw)!

     My Pottermore user is AvisLeviosa19144 if you'd like to add me! We can duel! <3

     Basically, Jo is queen. And I'd like to say thank you to her for bringing such magic into our boring, muggle world.

     Thank you for reading page 394 and I'll talk to you soon.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Hello loves <3

     I'm writing this while listening to Troye Sivan's She's 22 (I've never heard it's amazing!) and I've been inspired to write a post about music. I've never really talked about my music taste on my blog before, so today is the day I guess! I didn't really want to do the music tag so I'll save that for another time (comment if you'd like to see that). Instead, I'm just gonna write about my "music experience", is what I'll call it.

     I think I really found my love for music the past couple years. I definitely appreciate music more than I used to. Yes, we all (or most of us) sing in the shower and we all have those catchy songs everyone's going on about in our heads. But recently I've found that I've been much more serious about music and gone to it when I feel sad or when I need a reminder of something, whether that's to never give up, stay happy, etc. There's a song for everything.

     My favorite song - of all time - is Hey Soul Sister by Train. It's an old-ish song (2009) and I haven't heard it for ages, but it has been and will remain my favorite song. I don't really listen to Train, but the songs I have heard that have been put out by them have their own unique sound. And that's what I love about music. Each artist has his/her own sound, own voice, own way of expressing themselves even though they're all creating songs.

     I don't listen to many bands, (I want to! Any recommendations?) but Maroon 5 holds a special place in my heart. When I was on vacation in Punta Cana 2 summers ago, my mom or dad had synced all their songs to my phone and there was an entire Maroon 5 album now on my phone, none of the songs being familiar to me. I spent pretty much an entire portion of my time on the beach listening to these songs, and I just fell completely in love with them. I wondered why I'd never heard them before and boy, am I glad that it happened that way. The album is called It Won't Be Soon Before Long. My favorite song off it being Won't Go Home Without You. I wanted to sing it for karaoke on the cruise we went on last summer, but I chickened out :/

     If you're a Maroon 5 fan, do tell me! And comment your favorite Maroon 5 songs! It Won't Be Soon Before Long was released in 2007, and I've found that I love those songs more than current Maroon 5 songs. But I love all of their songs nonetheless.

     As most of you guys probably know, I love Troye Sivan. I have a copy of TRXYE in CD form (signed <3 how cool?!) and I listen to it on Spotify constantly. My favorite songs off the EP are Fun and The Fault In Our Stars MMXIV. Today I played Troye's songs on shuffle while doing work and a couple songs came on that I'd never heard before. They were all part of The June Haverly EP and I thought Troye had done a couple covers of songs by someone by the name June Haverly. Actually, Troye RELEASED AN EP IN 2012 CALLED THE JUNE HAVERLY EP. What?! Sorry if this isn't news to you, haha. But discovering it was amazing.

     There are three songs; my favorite is Make You Love Me. I can't even describe the feeling it gives me when I listen to it.

     Basically, I love that feeling you get when music consumes you. When you tune out everything else and just focus on the words and voice or instrument. Your head starts bobbing without you even knowing and you're in a whole other world. That's what music is to me. Blasting the music through my earbuds just enough so I don't go deaf but you can still hear the music if you're standing next to me ;)

     Share your music experience below! And please share some of your favorite artists/bands/songs/etc.

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*

Sunday, March 1, 2015

February Favorites 2015!

Hello loves <3

     It kind of blows my mind that it's March 1! Only a bit more than 3 months until summer break! Please let me know if you like favorites posts in the comments. I like them because they're a sort of introduction to new products/items, so if you do like reading these, please let me know!

Skincare & Beauty:

  • St. Ives Blemish Control Apricot Scrub - This is an old favorite of mine, I've had it for a while and used to use it constantly. My skin has been acting up a bit around my nose, so I went back to this and I love it! It is oil and paraben free which is great! My skin cleared and I know this is kind of gross but blackheads started to diminish and I have this to thank.

  • Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel - I've definitely mentioned in previous points that my skin gets super dry during Winter and I've had this one dry spot that I repetitively have to moisturize...this does the trick! I only have a sample size, but it lasts for ages. I was a bit hesitant to use this at first as I thought it'd make my skin very oily because it's a gel, but it is oil free, is so refreshing, restoring and does amazing things for your skin.

  • Naked 3 Palette "Burnout" - I only have one beauty favorite this month, but I've been wearing this shade a lot! It is one of the more pinky shades in the palette, but it's not a very strong pink...if that makes sense. It's subtle enough to wear to school but adds a beautiful wash of shimmer to your lid.


  • Elizabeth Taylor's Diamonds and Emeralds - My mom has had this for a long, long time and so I've been familiar with it for awhile. Every time I smell it I think of her so it's kind of special to me. There's a bit of sweetness to it but it's kind of sexy at the same time, you could say (lol). 


  • Playlist Live/ District Lines Merch - All three of these pieces I bought at Playlist, but you can find Tyler & Troye's on District Lines. First off, all three of these (especially Tyler & Troye's) are so comfortable. Troye's TRXYE sweater is pure cotton, or so it feels like, and is literally a dream to wear. It's so warm and I've literally been living in it. I got Tyler's Team Internet shirt in maroon (it comes in blue as well) and not only is it stylish with 3/4 length sleeves, but so so cozy.


one of my favorite covers^
  • Sarah Close - All of Sarah's covers are amazing...You know what, even more than amazing: astonishing. She has such a unique and beautiful voice. Her channel is linked on her name, you should definitely check her out!!
  • Shawn Mendes - I actually listened to Shawn for the first time a couple days ago thanks to one of my really good friends and I really love his song, The Weight.

  • Ellie Goulding: Love Me Like You Do - I'm pretty sure this song has been stuck in everyone's head at one point recently. It's so catchy and fun to blast in your room.
  • Calvin Harris ft. Ellie Goulding: Outside - As you can see I love Ellie, and this song is also just so so good! It's one of those songs that just gets you hooked from the first time you hear it.
  • Ella Henderson: Ghosts - I can't even explain how much I've been loving this song. It was stuck in my head for a long time, but I didn't know what it was called and now that I do I've been listening to it nonstop.

  • Vlogs - Vlogs have just been my life recently and I just really enjoy watching them as they're usually quite chilled and fun to get comfy in bed and watch. I watch Alfie, Marcus, Jim, Joey, and Alisha's daily vlogs. I also watch Gabby's, Zoe's, Tanya, and Louise's vlogs when they upload on their second channels (Tanya uploads on her main). And Joe's but he's not a daily vlogger ;) One point to you if you get that reference. 

  • Cooking Videos - I've also been watching more cooking videos recently, and I've especially been liking Sorted Food and Donal Skehan.


  • Sherlock - Chummy introduced me to Sherlock and I love it! Each episode is about an hour and a half and there are 3 series' on Netflix, each having 3 episodes. I love the mystery and the way Sherlock's mind works, especially when he talks really fast when he's explaining his realizations to somebody. Plus Martin Freeman's in it. <3 So if you like mysteries, definitely give this a watch!

     I hope you enjoyed and found a new product you'd like to try...or song or YouTuber or show. :)

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*

p.s. All products and YouTubers linked on their names <3

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     I find it funny how it has taken me 40 minutes just to customize the template, choose the text colors, and search endlessly for a pict...