Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Hello, love <3

     I am currently reading "Girl Online: On Tour," Zoë Sugg's second novel.

     As I was reading today I came across a sentence that really stuck out to me and I really related to:

Page 127:
"I grit my teeth and push back any negative thoughts that try to take hold, bursting them like soap bubbles before they can land on my brain."

     When I read it I instantly related it to myself. Last week I uploaded a video to my channel, Random Talks No. 3 which you can watch below, that was centered around positivity and this sentence reminded me so much of what I had said in that video.

     Zoë is one of those people that just instantly makes you smile very, VERY wide. Her videos always get me in a good mood and turn my frown upside down if I'm not having a good day. And as I was in school, sitting in the same desk I had been for the past hour or so, I felt as though she was there motivating me to keep going and continue being positive.

     That does sound kind of creepy, but in that moment I felt like I was really relating to her, and more specifically, Penny, the main character in her novel.

     I mention in my video that I tend to be quite the "Negative Nancy" when I'm by myself. This sentence showed me that I'm not alone, and other people are the same way. I try my best to push those thoughts out of my head, but they tend to take over a lot of the time. But why let them? Why let those pesky, little thoughts whiz around in your head when you could be thinking about much more positive things?

     I mentioned in my last post that English isn't as great as I hoped, but as I was walking in the hallway with my friend on our way to English class today I went to say "Ugh, this is going to be awful." But I stopped myself mid-sentence and went with "No, this is going to be a good class." And no joke, I don't know if it was because we didn't do as monotonous work as usual or if it was because I had told myself the class wouldn't be bad, but (compared to other days) it wasn't bad at all!

     Who knew I could get that much out of 27 words?!

     So thank you Zoë (and Penny) for helping through the day and showing me that negative thoughts shouldn't control me.

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*


  1. Lovely post, I'm glad that helps you through out your day Harel x


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