Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Cherish Your Summer

Hello loves <3

     Last night I stayed up till 1 o'clock watching back to school supply hauls on YouTube and just random back to school videos. It was weird to see that people were already uploading videos relating to BTS, but I figured out that a lot of people go to back to school somewhat earlier than I do (and some a lot later).

     Loads of people say that they love shopping for school supplies but they don't really like going to school and as I've gotten older I've kind of agreed with those people more and more. 

     I know lots of people, like me, get themselves psyched for school and getting all new things and when we finally get there we wish it was over and miss the summer with everything we've got. that's why I'm writing this, we need to cherish every single second of our summer and summer break.

     The way I think of it, summer break and the season itself is freedom. Freedom from tests, assignments, work every single day for seven hours straight, rude teachers and rude students. Granted, school does have a lot of perks (although, some might think differently). You're building an education and you're planning your future. But waking up in the morning and having to get up every single day before the sun comes up isn't the most fun.

     So, think about it. Summer is the time for making new memories. Summer is the time for having fun. Summer is the time for breaks and vacation. Summer is the time for you to be you and do what you want to do till you're back to your normal, every day routine. 

     Don't waste it sitting around in your room all day watching Netflix or YouTube videos (guilty as charged), rather get out there and do something new, make a change. Maybe leave your phone inside a certain day and go HAVE FUN! 

     Make the most of your summer! 

     Comment below your favorite Summer activity!

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon. 

*computer hug* 


  1. WOW! amazing post I love your blog :)
    I have shared :)



  2. True say. I always shopped for my school supplies a week before school started, with a list for what I need. Plus, my favourite summer activity is always trips to the park. Play some sport or used to be kite flying (miss it). Anyway, beautiful post. Take care.

    1. I love going to the park during summer. My mom and I are actually planning to go on a little walk tomorrow morning! Thank you for all your beautiful comments.


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