Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Bit of a Catch-Up

Hello loves <3

     I won't just start back up with writing this post without giving you an explanation as to why my last post was about 20 days ago. I guess I don't have a proper excuse, but I will be honest.

     I had no motivation. When I write a post for my blog, it's because I am passionate about that subject and have a burning desire to write about it. And lately, that just hasn't happened. But today, I am back at the keyboard ready to spill. I am going to, for lack of a better word, word vomit. Write what I think, write what I feel. I only have 2 things I really want to talk about, I'll try to keep it short :) So, let's go.

     First off, I (finally) finished Gossip Girl! Maybe 2 weeks ago I was sat in bed, laptop on my lap and decided, 'You know what? I am going to get back into Gossip Girl (I had taken a bit of a break)." So I did. I stayed up late with my laptop screen light burning into my eyes, and just kept clicking play on the next episode...and once you get into that habit, you can't stop.

     I have to tell you guys, this show is incredible. I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E. I couldn't stop watching. And it was when I got to the last episode, sitting on the front steps of my house, (instead of at the bus stop so I could use the wifi ;) ) that I realized how much I was going to miss this show. And now that it's over, I'm so sad - laughy face emoji - And I know you might think it's pathetic, but it's just like when you attach yourself to characters from a book, and then you finish reading.

     So if you are in need of a Netflix show to binge watch, and you like drama, comedy, and romance, please give Gossip Girl a chance! And tell me how you like it!

     Next up, End of Grade tests. That time of year is upon us once again - leading up to those dreaded tests that are supposed to tell us "how smart we are." I didn't realize (probably) how misinforming and unfair EOG's/standardized tests are until this year. I mean, some people are bad test-takers, but have kept up an A-honor roll their entire life - so it's not like these tests are totally truthful. And (where I live, at least), the tests measure how well you did compared to the highest scorer. So really, it's not the best representation of your intelligence.

     This kind of adds to the pressure. I mean, if you don't pass these tests, you could stay in the grade you're in. Way to keep us calm right? (lol) I do feel confident in my knowledge, (more in some areas than others) but the weight these tests put on some of our shoulders, (I'm not saying tests like these make us all nervous) can be overbearing at times. So if you ever feel nervous or anxious in a situation like this, remember to breathe and take it step by step.

     I wrote a post about Balancing Schoolwork that I guess somewhat relates to this, so if you'd like to read it, it is linked here.

     Through writing this, I've already thought of 2 more posts I want to upload soon! So watch out for those and keep reading because I have new posts coming soon (that hopefully you'll be able to relate to!)

      Thank you for sticking by me!

      Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*


  1. It's great to see you're back! That's it, I'll have to start watching Gossip Girl now haha xxx


  2. Can't wait to read more posts xx I'm sure that you aced your finals ;)
    Peace xo

  3. Great that you're back, can't wait to read more :D And I love Gossip Girl, I was very upset when it was over x


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