Thursday, January 29, 2015

Spending Time Outside

Hello loves <3

     Last weekend my friend and I went through the shortcut through the forest in out neighborhood in order to get to the playground. We've always just gone straight forward to the park, and I went through the path to the left before. This time my friend saw that there was a path to the right of us as well. Literally, throughout my (more than) 7 years of living in this neighborhood I have never seen this path! So, being the adventurous people we are, we go for it.

     We go in and there's a beautiful creek with water trickling down a bunch of rocks. Of course, we took some Instagram pictures ;) The little stream of water seemed like it would never end. We kept going and going, crossing over rocks, sinking in mud, slipping on moss, all the way to the end - which was actually someone's backyard that we had to run through :/

     It was so much fun to discover a whole other part of our neighborhood, I really had fun.

     Anyway, the whole point to this post is just to say it's important to go outside! Our generation spends so much time on our computers, our tablets, phones, etc. that sometimes we forget the benefit of getting some sun! You never know what you'll find when you just step outside of your room, for even just 5 minutes!

     Spending that time in the creek and trying to find our way back home, away from technology was so liberating and refreshing - "away from technology" meaning apart from snap chatting, using Google Maps to help us get back home and my phone going off because of twitter ;)

     All I'm saying is, take some time, with a friend/family member or just yourself, and go outside. Take a walk, breathe in the fresh air, explore! Yesterday I spent the day without my phone as I got it taken away :/ and it's amazing how much we get done and how much we miss out on because our eyes are constantly glued to a screen.

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*

Sunday, January 25, 2015

2 Months of Blogging!

Hello loves <3

     Two months ago, today, I posted my first post on this blog called Expression. Since then I've written 44 more posts and attained over 800 pageviews! I participated in Blogmas, met a lovely group of female bloggers, Beau Bloggers (info in the tab above), discovered several new and fun blogs, improved my writing, and became friends with such amazing people through comments and posts.

     All that in just 2 months! I can't thank you enough.

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*

p.s. I know this is quite short, but I just wanted to express my gratitude and inform you of how far we've come <3

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Weight & Your Body

Hello loves <3

     I've wanted to write this post for a while, but I've put it off as, one, I haven't had the guts and two, I can't find the right words. But I am just going to type freely until I get it all out :)

     Being a teenager is a lot of work! When we enter the teen world we are met with a gust of wind otherwise known as surprise. Boom! Oh, you're a teen now? Let's erupt your life with loads of problems, issues, and hormones.

     Thankfully I have the most loving and supporting family that help in these situations where I feel like I want to scream out into a void or pull my hair out. But even with all the kind words, advice, and reassurance, there are always going to be those things that don't leave our minds. For me, that's my body.

     I don't have the prettiest body. I don't have very toned legs or a thigh gap. I do have a bit of tummy fat. I am not totally completely happy with the way I look. When I look in the mirror I just wish and wish that a genie would appear and grant me three wishes. Sad as it is, losing weight would be one of them. It's not as bad now, but I used to be obsessed over my weight. I'd sneak into my parent's room whenever they weren't there, or were sleeping, in order to weigh myself. If I gained a pound my whole day became grey. I'd feel so bad about myself, thinking that I'm fat and that I can't lose weight.

     Not too long ago I began counting calories. I'd insert each and every bit of food I had into the app I had on my phone. For the first couple days or so I stayed under my calorie goal. The first time I went over I was so mad at myself. Why? Why did I have to eat that cheese stick? Or, why didn't I just turn down that cookie from my friend? I've abandoned counting calories now; it didn't help me very much. Yes, I somewhat controlled what I was eating, but every time I had a slip I'd dwell on it. It's not healthy to dwell in regret or guilt!

     I've tried healthy recipes for foods so I can substitute better options, but they always end up not working or just not yummy. And yes, I know, unhealthy foods are usually tastier than healthier foods, but no matter what I try I can't stick to it.

     I've found that even if I'm not hungry, if there's food in front of me, I want it ... so I eat it. It's like, if I'm at a party and there's some chocolate on the table after we've just had a very nice dinner, I'll go ahead and eat more than enough knowing it's not good for me and that I'm full. Right after I "splurge" I think, I wouldn't have eaten that if I was at home, or I probably just gained a couple pounds. And I can't stop thinking about it.

     About 80% of losing weight or "improving" your body is your diet. The other 20% is exercise. I'm not athletic :/ I'm not a soccer player, or a tennis player, basketball, softball, volleyball, dance, cheer. That's not me. I do swim in the summer, but during the rest of the year you won't find me very active. So how am I going to lose weight or improve without getting fit? I've tried running, but it isn't my favorite. I like biking and swimming, of course. But I'm never motivated to do so. You won't find me going out for a bike ride on my own. Of course, I'd like that to change. Any ideas? Motivation? That's my problem: I eat, but I don't do anything to counteract.

     You're probably thinking, Harel, why did you just tell us all that? Well, after constantly talking to my mom about it and her telling me the same thing over and over, I've realized: I have just got to live my life. Sure, eat that cookie. But then skip the chocolate cake. Sure, indulge in pizza at your friends party, but don't have pizza again the next day. Eat what you want, when you want, just in moderation. Balance yourself between healthy and unhealthy foods and you'll find that your body adjusts. Your weight cycles itself so it's not like you're gaining pounds every single day. Eating a Belgian waffle for breakfast isn't going to make you gain 2 pounds. It's okay to enjoy yourself. Maybe later that day go on a jog or even a walk with your friend! Run on the treadmill for half an hour while watching TV!

     I hope some of you can understand what I'm saying. I know that was a pretty long ramble and it probably didn't really help you if you're going through anything similar, but I felt that writing this post was a good decision. If you have an advice, not just for me but for anyone out there, be sure to leave it in the comments <3 You've got one life to live. Are you really going to spend a chunk of it obsessing over this (probably something I should be telling myself)?

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*     

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Blog Share Tag!

Hello loves <3

     I thought, even though I haven't been blogging for too long, I'd do this tag as it's been going around and is fun to read, so I thought you'd enjoy!

Where did you find this tag?
I found this tag on one of my fellow Beau Blogger's blogs (info on Beau Bloggers in tab above!), Lou's World. She is an astonishing writer who puts true honesty and creativity into her writing! You can check her out here. Originally, it was created by Chloe on Professional Daydreamer. She too is exquisite at what she does and is astoundingly talented. You can catch up on all of her lovely posts here.

What is your blog about?
My blog isn't really about something; it's more just me writing about things I am passionate about and enjoy. It's more of a lifestyle blog and I enjoy writing about endless topics.

Why did you start your blog?
As I've grown older, I've found that writing just comes to me. I feel really good when I'm writing and the words just come onto the paper, or the computer in this case. It makes me happy to know people are reading what I have on my mind and all your lovely comments make my day. I wanted to be a part of the blogging community and through creating this blog, I've come to know so many talented writers. I also had a little extra push thanks to the book, Girl Online ;)

What is your favorite topic to write about?
As I said, I write about anything and everything, but I've found that I really enjoy writing about real-life situations that readers can relate to. Two posts in particular: When You Feel Overwhelmed and Insecurities & Battling Them were both hard yet satisfying to write. I was able to get my feelings out of the jumble they'd created in my brain and after posting I got comments with advice and connections which made me feel really good :)

Do you have a blogging routine?
Currently, no. But I'm thinking about creating a blogging schedule for myself and you as well so you'd know when I'll have a post up. What do you think? The only thing is school as some days I may have more work than others. I want to post around 3 times a week so I may start pre-writing posts.

What bloggers inspire you?
Before starting this blog, I explored Zoe's (Zoella) and Cassey's (Blogilates); I love them both. But I've also read some of Louise' (Sprinkleofglitter) posts and they are so honest and relatable and I hope my readers think the same of me. All three of these amazing women have a unique gift and I love them! They also all have YouTube channels and I definitely recommend you go take a look!

What bloggers have you been made aware of since starting your blog?
The first ever comment on my blog was written by Sophie from SophieAliceInWonderland who's writing is truly indescribable as it is so genuine. Shortly after, I joined Beau Bloggers and on the day I joined I discovered Lauren (LoveHeart Doodles) and Izzy (Izzy K) who together created the group. Lauren is a superior artist and Izzy's posts are always so heartwarming <3

What resources do you use to promote your blog?
I only really post about my blog on Beau Bloggers but I may soon start tweeting/instagramming about posts!

Do you see any improvement on your blog since you started it?
Totally! I am more comfortable with sharing my opinion and I write about real-life topics more often than I used to. That said, I haven't had this blog for a long time, but I hope to continue those type of posts in the future.

What are your favorite type of blog posts to read?
I really like reading posts that I can relate to, things that could actually happen to me. I also love reading book reviews as they give me a heads up on what I'd be interested in!

     Sorry some of my answers were long :/ But, if you're still reading here's a heart to show my appreciation.

     If you do this tag, be sure to let me know!

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*

Monday, January 19, 2015

My Inspiration

Hello loves <3

     This post is a Beau Bloggers monthly post. Each month we have a new topic that we can write about. If you'd like to join Beau Bloggers, all the information you need to know is in the tab above!

     The dictionary definition of inspiration is:

the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

     When we just take a second to look at our surroundings, whether that's people, a certain scenery, there is inspiration in everything. But just like personalities and hobbies, inspiration is different for everyone.

     To me, an inspiring person is someone who makes others happy, makes their own decisions, takes care of themselves, is themselves, and is unique and individualistic. One of my biggest inspirations is Troye Sivan. Troye is a YouTuber who has over 3 million subscribers and recently-ish came out with his first EP, TRXYE! Troye is one of the first YouTubers I watched and I know that even though I can't physically speak to him, if I am down or sad I can turn to him and his videos and I'll instantly be smiling and laughing.

aw cute old pic ;)

     He has a mesmerizing voice that is so soft and gentle yet he sings with so much passion and meaning. Off of his EP, my favorite song is Fun, but his song The Fault in Our Stars definitely comes close behind. I can plug my earbuds in with his music playing and the rest of the world will go away.

     Troye came out to the public in 2013 and, first of all, I applaud him for that. Second of all, being courageous and being himself is something that attracted me to him. Building up his channel and his career over the course of multiple years is something I'd aspire to do. The actions that he takes to grow and create a bright future inspire me to do so myself. I am "mentally stimulated," as the definition says, to better myself and be the best version of me I can be.

     My parents are my heroes, and they also inspire me. They work so hard, every day of their lives. My family lives in a wondrous home, with food always in the fridge and clothes in our closets. I am so thankful for them and want to do the same for my family when I am older.

     My mom is always there to give me advice and guide me through any problem, no matter what it is. My dad is always there to talk and have a laugh. They are so caring and thoughtful and always think of us before themselves and I'd like to thank them immensely. <3

     Look around you; that child continuously trying the monkey bars even though he's not tall enough, the woman running with a stroller and a dog, that waiter carrying seven plates at once. But, putting aside everyone else, you are an inspiration, too, in your own way and you might not even know it.

     Please let me know who/what inspires you in the comments!

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Playlist Live 2015!

Hello loves <3

     So, in less than 20 days I will be in Orlando, Florida with two of my best, most amazing, loving friends for PLAYLIST LIVE!!

     In case you didn't know, Playlist Live is a YouTube convention located in Orlando where you can meet some of your favorite YouTubers! This year it is from February 6th to 8th. Friday is Business Day and on Saturday and Sunday meetups and main stage activities will be held. You can visit the Playlist website here.

     Long before I started this blog we booked our tickets and it has been on my mind ever since. If you don't know, I am YouTube obsessed. Maybe sometime in the future I will do blog post all about YouTube (let me know if you'd like that!), but for now: I got into watching videos a little over a year ago and the last 14 months have been the best! Comment below your favorite YouTubers!

    The last couple days my friends and I have been stalking the Playlist Live website nonstop checking back to see if the guest list has changed or if any new meetups have been announced. Two days ago the meetup groups came out. I got an email saying the groups would be announced by 9 PM EST and I was sitting in my bed, switching between YouTube and Gossip Girl, constantly refreshing the page. 10:06 and FINALLY they're up! I was ecstatic and was immediately on the phone with my friends!

     For Playlist, you can choose two meetups, one Saturday and one Sunday, and it is guaranteed that you'd meet those people. My heart sunk a bit when I saw that multiple YouTubers I wanted to meet had meetups on the same day and some weren't having meetups at all. But we couldn't dwell on the fact that we won't meet everyone (plus, there will be impromptu meetups and main stage!!) and in the end MY FRIENDS AND I ARE MEETING ZOE SUGG AND TYLER OAKLEY!

     It's been about three and a half hours since my friend and I's screaming fest. We had three phones and two computers lined up so we would be able to select the meetups we wanted to attend. After we got the confirmation the rest is a complete blur. There was screaming, high-fiving, hugging, lying on the floor, and a ridiculous amount of fangirling!

     I am honestly so blessed and grateful for my stunning, amazing friends who I am over the moon with excitement to meet my favorite YouTubers with (I don't know if that sentence made sense :/ but <3). The feelings I am feeling right now are indescribable, I can not believe how lucky I am and that this is actually happening.

     Are any of you attending Playlist Live 2015?! Please, please let me know if you are! It'll be amazing to meet you!

    Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Balancing Schoolwork

Hello loves <3

     We've all had those moments when we realize just how much work we have to get done, and that can get overwhelming. Homework in every subject, a group project your classmates aren't helping you with, a paper you left to the last minute (I hope not)! What ever your situation is, know you're not the only one and I hope I can help.

     A couple years ago I had a "breakdown" and just started crying because I had so much to do and not enough time, or so I thought. I've seen that as I grow these "breakdowns" occur more frequently. Whether it's just hormones or I just worry too much, work can get you panicking.

     You have nothing to worry about. To some, not doing their work isn't a big deal. That isn't the case with me :/ :) and I believe you'll do better in, just life, really if you actually try. But how can you try if you're drowning under the massive ocean that is your textbooks?

     The key? BREATHE.

     To get something or multiple things done, you need to create a plan. Know what you need to do. I suggest writing it down. Maybe you have an agenda or notebook where you write down your current/upcoming assignments. If not, take a piece of notebook paper and write down your subjects and the work that is due and when. I suggest doing the hardest work first. Yeah, I know, it can be agonizing and dreadful, but you'll feel so accomplished once the most difficult thing is complete. I don't know about you, but once I get even the tiniest thing done, I feel a tenth of the weight on my shoulders lift. So imagine how great the feeling will be when that massive job is done, the feeling of accomplishment.

     If you feel like you can't function and are so stressed you want to pull you hair out strand by strand, not to worry! Please don't stress/tire yourself out! Pull away from your desk, and go take a shower, or even better a relaxing bath (and don't hesitate to plop in a cheeky bath bomb while you're at it). When I come back from school, I don't necessarily feel clean, so washing up definitely helps to clear my mind.

     When you get home, don't forget to fuel your brain! Eat some carrot sticks, an apple, maybe some yogurt. Something that will get those gears turning again even through all the wear and tear of the previous hours. Music, if it does't distract you, may also help you get to work - just some tips!

     Now that you're clean, have a fresh mind, are calm and ready to go, it's time to tackle that term paper. Focus, breathe, take breaks if needed, and don't get sucked into the world of procrastination! Imagine your work is a mountain, and each thing you finish is another rock you stepped over. Good luck, I know you can get through it!

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*

Sunday, January 11, 2015

What is Writing?

Hello loves <3

     Not too long ago I made a post saying how thankful I am, for this blog and for you guys. But I don't think I got my entire point across the way I'd have liked to.

     Every time I come to my computer to write, I feel refreshed. I feel like I'm letting go of a certain feeling or emotion (in a good way). To some, writing is just putting words on paper. To me, writing is expressing. Under my blog title, you can see it says, "just me expressing through a keyboard." That only begins to show what this blog is to me. I'm nothing special; I'm just one who loves to get all those words in her head somewhere they can stay safe. But ever since starting this blog, I've realized how much that means to me.

     I know some astonishingly talented bloggers who plan to/are writing books. I know some superb bloggers who love to create art. I know some gifted bloggers who write all about fashion. I'm not any of those. So what do I do? Why do I write? I write just to write. Now, writing about one of those things mentioned previously is amazing. It's so cool to read the writings of people with a passion. But what makes writing about nothing in particular, different?

     Well, really, all writing is the same. Of course, some (probably more than some) would beg to differ. But, the way I see it, every piece of writing is someone, somewhere expressing themselves. Yes the writing is different but the writing is the same. Interpret that how you like.

    Anyway, I've blabbed on way too long. The whole point of this was to thank you guys, but I've done everything but that ;) Basically, the way this is all tied to thanking you is: when I write in a notebook, I feel happy. When I write for my blog, I feel exhilarated. I don't know if that's because I'm putting this online, or because someone is reading it, but I just feel so great when I post a blog post.

     We all have those rough days and when that is the case for me, I know this where to turn to. So, thank you ;)

     Hopefully that made some sense to you?

     If you have a blog, tell me how you feel when you write a blog post, I'd love to know.

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Dream Big and Shoot for the Stars

Hello loves <3

     Everyone has dreams and everyone has hopes. Humungous, big, small, tiny; we all have them. I bet we've all gone through a somewhat process to making a dream come true. But I feel like, after a while, after numerous attempts and tries, we give up. If you think about it, if you really want something, you'll probably do anything to get it. If you find yourself slowly drifting from your plan to achieve your goal, there are probably other things you'd really fight for.

     I have had countless diaries. Numbers upon numbers of notebooks that go to waste and end up being stuffed in my drawer even though more than half of each of their pages are empty. I mean, we've all been there, right? Journals I've stopped using after maybe even less than a week of daily entries are my attempts at pursuing writing. So, if I love to write and want to take things a step further, why do I stop there? Well, that (and Girl Online <3) is what prompted me to start this blog.

     When I write, it's like I'm in a whole different world. I really do enjoy it and I want to continue at it. My last somewhat diary lasted a bit more than a month, I think! But when I wrote there, it was kind of like a chore. When I write and post something on here, I honestly and truly enjoy it! It's no where near a chore, more like a treat. Starting out, even right after posting something, I'd want to post another just cause it was so fun! I mean, I still do! This blog is like a best friend, and so are all of you. I really appreciate all my readers and it means so much that you guys take the time to read what I put out. This blog is the next step to ... whatever it is I'm trying to accomplish with writing.

     Basically the point of that chunky paragraph is to show you guys that if you want something, you'll know. You continue and continue to try and better yourself and you keep trying to take that next step.

     There's no harm in dreaming big. "Go big or go home," right? So if you have all these inklings that you want to chase after this certain something. I say, go for it! Again, big or small, it doesn't matter. You'll know if it's right for you based on the actions you take.

     Leave any and every dream or hope you have in the comments! Oh, and also leave your plan to achieve it. Maybe you won't know straight away what your plan will be. But trust me, if this is something you sincerely believe in, it'll come to you.

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*

Monday, January 5, 2015

Movie Review: Into the Woods

Hello loves <3

     First day back at school today... Not much homework which is good, but I do have a test on Monday! Are you guys back in school or back to work? Anyway, that's not what this post is about ;)

     This past weekend I went to see the movie Into the Woods with my friend. I didn't really know what to expect. I only knew it was a bunch of Grimm fairytales mashed together into one story. Going into it, I was very excited! The trailers and previews looked amazing.

     I've never really done a review on anything before so I don't know how to go about this, but I want to start off by saying, overall, I thought the movie was great! But there definitely were some things that surprised me.

     The plot in the beginning was very interesting and cool! I won't give too much away, but basically a baker and his wife discover that a curse was put on the house they live in because the man's father stole many things from a witch's garden, including magic beans, and now the baker and his wife can't have a baby. The only way to break the curse is to gather the cow as white as milk, the cape as red as blood, the hair as yellow as corn, and the shoe as pure as gold. If they get those objects before the blue moon comes, which only happens every 100 years, in three days, the curse will be reversed.

     **spoilers** **LOTS of spoilers as I can't write a proper review**

     They go on this extensive journey to gather all of these objects; some are lost and have to be found again. Along the way, the audience meets Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood - who encounters the wolf, played by Johnny Depp who played the part magnificently - Rapunzel and her love, Cinderella and the prince.

     After a somewhat troublesome three days, they obtain everything they need and the witch makes the baker's wife pregnant. Personally, I thought the movie would end there. NOPE! 40 minutes left! But what is so important that can happen in 40 minutes? Well, I can tell you.

     The baby is born and Cinderella and her prince get married. The whole town gathers in front of the castle for the wedding only to see it crash. Everyone thought it was an earthquake, but it ended up being the wife of the giant Jack had killed when he chopped down the beanstalk. All the characters, but Rapunzel and the two princes, gather to figure out how to stop her from capturing Jack. The baker and his wife split and decide to go 500 spaces in different directions to go look for Jack who has run off to hide. They leave their baby with Little Red.

     Now, this is where my jaw dropped. Mrs. Baker, we'll call her, is about 200 steps in when she meets Cinderella's husband looking for his wife. His charm attracts her and he is able to mesmerize her. Blah, blah, blah they talk and talk and then BAM! THEY'RE KISSING!? Honestly, the prince looked drunk the entire time but the wife! You have a husband and a child! I mean I know he's royalty but! Okay, that was surprise number one, but then the prince leaves and the woman feels a shudder: it's the giant's wife. The woman doesn't know where to go and ends up near the edge of a cliff and isn't able to grab on to the nearby branch. That's right, she dies :'(

     Like? WHAT? I'm the type of person that is completely surprised by things that the rest of the world probably saw coming. If you've seen the movie, did you see this coming? A mother, who just had a child, after going on a massive journey to reverse a curse put on her husband, dies. Okay, maybe some saw it coming, but I didn't. I mean, I didn't see Hans being a backstabber in Frozen, did you??

     Blah, blah, blah, giant is killed, baby is alive, Mr. Baker takes in Jack, Little Red, and Cinderella. Who knows where Rapunzel is. Well, I wasn't too happy with this ending. But then again, I'm the person who really like those lovey-dovey happy ever after endings. Some people may be pleasantly satisfied with this ending, I am not one of them - laughy face emoji.

     I did really love the movie. The acting and graphics were super cool, it's just not the ending I'd love. But I guess not everything is going to turn out the way you want it to!

     Yes, this is probably a very amateur review that wasn't really helpful as I basically gave away the entire movie, but... Thank you if you've read this far, lol.

     If you've seen Into the Woods, please tell me what you thought of it in the comments!

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*

P.S. Thank you guys so so much for your lovely comments on my post about insecurities! It means a lot and I hope I helped in some way. If you want to read it, click here.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Insecurities & Battling Them

Hello loves <3

     It's 2015! It's January! This is my first post for the new year and I am super excited for what is to come!

     This post is a bit more serious, you could say, than my past posts, as most of them are from Blogmas and have to do with Winter, etc. But I created this blog to share what I have to say and get my thoughts down on paper, an online document in this case, and that is what I'm gonna do.

     So, insecurities. We all have them; we all probably hate them. Whether this insecurity deals with your appearance, your voice, personality, it may be what is keeping you from being yourself, your true self.

     Insecurities, to me, are like bugs. Little bugs that stick to you, trying to pull you down, reminding you of what's "wrong" with you and why you're "different in a bad way." What do I have to say to that? DON'T LET THEM. That's all there is to do. Whip out your bug spray and put those things in their place. "You aren't going to put me in a bad mood. You don't affect me. I am unique and different in my own way, and I love myself because of those things that make me different."

     Of course, there are always those insecurities that you just can't seem to shake off. Maybe the reason for that is because these are things you encounter every day. Going back to the subject of appearance. A lot of my insecurities come from appearance and what others think of me. I look at my friends and people at school and compare myself to them. I try to find bad things about me. I guess that's just a part of growing up. But I've found that writing about it is helping me question WHY THE HECK DO I DO IT? Each one of us is beautiful in our own way, inside and out. No matter our color, size, face, voice, personality, we are beautiful. There's just always that part of us that disagrees.

     What about insecurities regarding career and money? I'm not old enough to have a proper job yet, but there is always that weight on my shoulder that is college. What am I going to study? How will my future turn out? Will I get accepted into a good college? Will I find a job that's right for me? Some would say I don't need to worry right now, but there are others my age already have a college picked out and a major in mind. I've barely begun to discover what courses are offered, what colleges offer what. Right now, I'm thinking I'd like to pursue something to do with writing - that's part of the reason I started this blog: I love to write, which you probably all know by now. But will I be able to chase after my dreams, what ever those dreams are? To that question I say, yes. Yes, you will be able to chase after your dreams, Harel, and all of you, if you don't let INSECURITIES decide your future for you.

     There are millions of other insecurities. Each one of us has that "collection" of them. But it's up to us to decide whether we'll continue to grow that collection or move on to better ourselves. If you have any "tips" or advice for battling insecurities, please feel absolutely free to share them with this community in the comments. If you ever need to talk, feel no burden or discomfort in approaching me. I will tell you I may not give you the best advice, but I'll definitely try! xx

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug* 

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     I find it funny how it has taken me 40 minutes just to customize the template, choose the text colors, and search endlessly for a pict...