Monday, December 8, 2014

Giving Back to Your Community - Blogmas Day 8

Hello loves <3

     I think that volunteering and being a part of you community is such an amazing and fun experience! During the holidays there are loads of opportunities to take part in community activities. The feeling you get when you are working and realize the impact you've had on others is indescribable.

     Every Sunday I volunteer with my friends at our local Hebrew school. I help in the class of second and third graders where they learn to read and write Hebrew. I've become close with lots of them and it is so fun to watch them learn new things. When I'm working with a child and see that they understand what they're learning and are able to recognize each letter on the page or read an unfamiliar word or beat their speed for how many words they can read per minute fills me with an incredible joy, I can't even explain it. Some of it is knowing that yes, I helped them in some way but most of the great feeling comes from seeing how they've grown.

     Last year I helped out a couple times at the YMCA in their children's center. Parents would drop their children off and they'd stay in this room filled with toys and books and crafts. I would volunteer and help around the room. One of my favorite memories is when this adorable girl walked into the room crying because her mom left, I believe, and the administrators tried so hard to calm her down. After loads of tears and screaming she still hadn't stopped and I guess they just gave up. It actually hurt to see her like that so I went over to her, held her hand, talked to her, wiped her face and sat her down. I couldn't understand some of what she was saying but I stayed with her and got her laughing. It made me tremendously happy to know that she was better and I spent the rest of the time playing with ponies with her and marveling at her contagious smile.

     All I'm saying is, giving back to your community has it's rewards, but they're rewards you'll keep forever. Not money but the satisfaction of accomplishment and making people happy. Organizations like Operation Christmas Child and Toys for Tots help to get Christmas presents to children in need :) Also, some shools hold coat and canned food drives. Taking part in those things leaves you with such a wonderful memory or memories that will stay with you forever!

     I hope you will give back to your community and volunteer in some way! I you have in the past, tell me about your experience(s) below!

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*   

1 comment:

  1. Aww you seem so sweet. I love operation Christmas child because its an easy way to really make someone's Christmas unforgettable xxx


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