Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The One Con of Winter - Blogmas Day 9

Hello loves <3

     I am currently sitting on my bed in a sweater and leggings, watching Tanya's Vlogmas vlog, sniffling every five seconds, sneezing every couple minutes, and waiting and waiting for PLL Christmas to come on. You guessed it, I have a cold. A stupid, nostril clogging, sneeze triggering, head aching, throat scratching cold...and it sucks.

     A couple months back I had a really bad cold that lasted forEVER. It took ages for my voice to come back, whenever I tried to talk I legit sounded like an alien (whatever they sound like) and whenever I tried to sing I'd come out mute :/

     Yesterday I had 3 cups of tea...is that okay? lol. I've been drinking lots and lots with the anticipation that I'll feel better. What is your guys' favorite tea? My favorite thing to do is to put some honey in because it adds a bit of sweetness and helps that frog in your throat.

     This is the only thing I despise about winter. I say despise, I really mean dislike, but right now I'm only focused on that feeling I constantly get where I need to sneeze but for some reason the sniffle gods don't want me to (can you relate??).

literally me.

     Share you worst cold experiences with me and each other in the comments below! If you have any tips for colds as well, do tell! And if any of you have a cold, I hope you feel better ASAP!!

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*


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     I find it funny how it has taken me 40 minutes just to customize the template, choose the text colors, and search endlessly for a pict...