Sunday, December 14, 2014

Jobs and Making Money - Blogmas Day 14

Hello loves <3

     If you read my blog post on giving back to your community, you'll know that I volunteer at my Sunday school every week to help children learn to read and write in Hebrew. Well, I was talking to my mom about it and how happy it makes me and that conversation led to a talk abut making money. I'm young, I have my whole life ahead of me, but it's never too early to start accomplishing things.

     I am in a bit more advanced math class than my grade, and my mom suggested that I should put up a notice on our neighborhood's page saying that I can tutor children if they're in need of help. I am very hesitant about this because I don't want to come off like a selfish, cocky genius (and I hope I don't seem like it when I say that). My mom was talking about how when she was younger she had a tutor that had a line of people waiting for her to help them because she was so good, no one thought of her as self-centered, etc.

     I would love to help people learn, even just one person, as a small job. I'm just kind of unsure of what I should do and if this tutoring thing is a good idea. What are your thoughts?

     Also, do you know of any other ways of making money? Babysitting, petsitting, surveys, other than those?

     I am too young to work at somewhere like a store so I really want to take on a smaller "job." So please, if you have any ideas, let me know!

     Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon.

*computer hug*

p.s. Holiday Q&A going up [hopefully] tomorrow! You can still comment questions! (please do!)


  1. Tutoring sounds like a great idea! Dw you wouldnt come across as being cocky, I know that most people (myself included) need as much help as possible during exam seasons so would be very grateful for your help. If your good at that subject you should make the most of your talent and at least get some money from it xxx

    1. Thank you Izzy, I really appreciate your advice x

  2. Wow you should go for it. It is lovely that you are helping children .very considerate.


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